um... this isn't in the right order the project is supposed to be in but I got excited what can I say hehe.. :) experimenting, painting, doodling... etc
works in progress by the way, and these are just small crops of the full images.. enjoy (eep forgot to mention some of this is supposed to mimic 40s-50s sci-fi :)
nice. The girl is cool, love the red and the texture
Just discovered your blog, nice work in here =]
Did you watch the Jason Chan vid that is advertised over at
Just asking because the girl piece kind of reminds me of his sketch.
Very nice color Naomi,i agree it is like Jason Chan,and that is cool :)
o_o Jason Chan sketch? must ... have... lol I will check it out! I've honestly been looking at maxtormer's ways about doing things as he learns and a few others in the sketchbooks like min, and trying to get away from linework a little, but maybe I get carried away with the rim-lighting muaha
and thanks!
Lovely work here, Naomi. Nice variety of work, too.
beautiful stuff Naomi...Eric Canate gave me the heads up to your blog...great are truly talented!!
post one!! well, at least a good one.
Very nice stuff! just followed a link from Eric Canete's Blog.
You rock! What school are you going too?
oh wow, i just went through your blog, its pretty awesome! :D
Wwow..very nice nice..i just stumbled upon ur page...i wish i was sylar from heroes..than i'd steal all ur abilities. oh wait.. Peter Petrelli would be better right? Cuz than i wouldn't have to kill u :) again WOW!
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