Thursday, November 01, 2007

i'm just so full of myself

1 hour in painter - it's me again muahaha
no really it's for international self portrait day at


Teddy Taylor said...

You look intense.

Andy C. said...

Mmm. Hot!

Now I don't know if I should do a self-portrait or finish my work...

Anonymous said...


u have a grea gift with lines and pencil but must work on the colors ;)
i`ll be watchin..

santisan said...

your work is fantastic and amazing!!
If you want to see my work:

Diegus said...

Ah, so you did it for the thread! I was later and anyway too busy to make mine. How´s it going with Painter? I sincerely left it aside long ago. Regards, Naomi!

An said...

like the rest of your works, that had not even seen, it is a wonder, a beautiful picture of a beautiful woman. Kisses

1 said...

you work with painter x well, I'm a newbie to the program and haven't found a great way to use it yet. Great pieces here. :O)