Thursday, June 19, 2008

this is what i presented in axel's character design class at gnomon. not quite finished, and the other components will be finished before sdcc! tons of learning happened here :)


Crawdad Jones said...

Those are just beautiful! Your work is getting better at a geometric rate! What kind of react did you get?

David Sweck said...

duuuuuddde! beautiful work as always Naomi. Hope all else is well down there!

Sean Pin Ho said...

Awesome work Naomi. Your work is getting better. Keep up the great work.
I know I should update my blog more. I saw your previous comment..... I haven't had time to update my blog or view any blog for a while. I post few images today. I will post few more this week.

Rich Pellegrino said...

that samurai came out ridiculous. i really like it.