Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Just an update ~


drawatron said...

im moving to LA next week. i am going to stalk you and then take all your knowledge. seriously. anywho, we should get together...and draw!

Xer said...

So, when are we gonna draw/hang out?

amy h r donahue said...

naomi! how are you over there?
i'm not going to lie, i'm sad that you left. we are planning our senior show. i wish your work was in it.

your sketches are great as always.

Sir Timmy said...

beauteous rendering as usual naomi. i see that perhaps the interest of all this 'orphan' copyright and such mabye got you to use a watermark?!! in any case i love the integration of marker and blue pencil, seamless!

abeoh! said...

niiiice stuff! loving the sketches!

Unknown said...

wow...i really dig your stuff, nice work!

Tom Scholes said...

Why the watermark? :(
It's a fancy watermark at least.

abeoh! said...

thanks for checkin my blog:D mind if i link you?

Crawdad Jones said...

YEATH!! Beautiful shtuff! Nothing new to say here, just enjoying the new stuff!

Celso Mathias said...

very, very good yours sketches!!!hugs

Yasemin Baran said...

wow, these are beautiful! love the character with stripes on his face