Saturday, April 26, 2008

Wuuuut environments of sorts?!

Painter/Photoshop, snowymountain, desert, jungle, underwater (underwater not quite finished) - Enjoy!


Tom Scholes said...

Ooo, I like! :)

Xer said...


funny. for this semester's final project, we have to do a series of stamps.

i chose giant mechanized colossi.

anyways, great stuff. more, pls.

Alexei Martins said...

mmmm...beautiful atmosphere!!!!I'm in love here!!!


RekcahDam said...

Hadn't checked the blog in awhile. I'm glad I decided to check . Those look awesome!

jeijei said...

Naomi u know I'm weak for the Colossi

Really like'n the color pallet on that one :]

Rafael Dante said...

very nice colours!

KeMiRo said...

Hey Naomi, what's up?

André Toma said...

Amazing works! Love your style!

Paolo Maddaleni said...

really nice drawing!
I like!

Ame said...

very cool works, you have a beautiful style, I put you in my links, if you can come to visit me.

Best wishes
