Tuesday, May 15, 2007


just a pretty doodle - I was going to use this for my website, still might, I dunno'.. first I must figure out how to make one, hahaha. I'm learning though - the real naomiful.com will be up and running sometime this summer ^_~ I'll update about it when that day comes.
For now, will yourself to see whatever you want on that piece of paper she's holding. :3


Vhrsti said...

I know fairytale from famous Czech writer Karel Capek (1890–1938). The post trolls (living in post office) can put an envelope on their forehead and they know what about is the letter inside. Your girl reminds me of this story about one heartbreaking letter without addres and searching recipient.

Andy C. said...

I see a fatigued lady wondering why did someone leave their tab for her to pay. Some people... I tell ya.

You can do it Naomi! If you have any problems or questions about creating a website don't hestitate to ask :)

Laura Braga said...

Hi Naomi!!!
I love this picture!!! I love how you did it. Great work.
I hope to see new stuff soon!!!



super sweet

Cory said...


I know its not done yet, but I like it already. I love your line work! Not only does it portray different values well, but it also gives texture. I like the pairing of black and blue.

Aside from that I like the subject matter and the composition, while incomplete, is solid.

Keep up the good work!


amer-nazri said...

Nice! I like the mood and emotion it gives out, something like lost love, dunno. Or she might just be disappointed by the fact that she forgot to read that broccoli was an important part of the shopping list. Anyways, well done!

naomiful said...

vhrsti - hmm, sounds interesting, I'd like to read it sometime! :) (if in english that is :)

shou- haha :p

laurabraga- thanks!

owen- thanks

cory- thanks, it's done too rawr

amer- yeah... it's all weird

Unknown said...

she looks depressed. maybe its just the list of student loans she has to pay back. lookin forward to the website!

Alexei Martins said...

Woooww!!!AWESOME!!So sad!!I love it!!

dustin nguyen said...

really great sketch man, i like it a whole bunch.

Gerald de Dios said...

You are truly an amazing illustrator. Can't wait to see the official website. I'll check back regularly. Keep up the good work :)

MBKKR said...

Nice one Naomi,

I like the feel of the drawing.
It look's like she's reminding something from her past by the pictures in her hand. And she misses what she see's.

And i think the composition is great aswell.
Great work