Wednesday, January 31, 2007

new stuff

mustered the courage and strength to paint traditionally, which i need to do more of *_* - here is john in his lamp-lit glory (acrylic on gessoed bristol paper 14x17) .. the next is a skull w/ red conte crayon on newsprint, and the rest are the normal sketchbook pen people - enjoy


heidi said...

Beautiful work, I really like your pen sketches.

Alexei Martins said...

AMAZING sketches!!!!!Lol you have a "Dreamcast" also.

naomiful said...

hahaha yeah ... man i havent played it in years :p

Jeff Peterson said...

Very nice sketches! very nice line quality.

damn, I don't have my dreamcast anymore and I don't have a Wii yet. They are sold out everywhere :P

An said...

Beautiful Work,it is a precious picture, you are a great artist

chris chua said...

really cool drawings! I love the linework. I'm definitely coming back to see more!

Tom said...

Awesome sketches, very nice blog over all. I'll have to keep dropping by!